In June 2022, some of the most notable legal developments in Uzbekistan were the adoption of a new Law on Advertisement, reforms related to the operation of the natural gas market, the establishment of a procedure for the support of investment projects with external infrastructure, softening of particular tax requirements,…
Read more... |In May 2022, some of the most notable legal developments in Uzbekistan were the adoption of new regulations on public procurement, the introduction of changes to the Economic Procedural Code clarifying the role of Uzbek economic courts in international arbitration proceedings, the streaming of a practice allowing the opening of…
Read more... |Some of the most notable legal developments in Uzbekistan in April 2022 were the issuance of the Presidential Decree No.UP-101, providing for significant measures for improvement of the сcountry’s competitive and investment environment; the adoption of the Laws on Insolvency and Non-Bank Credit Organizations; new measures to support exporters and…
Read more... |Some of the most notable legal developments in Uzbekistan in March 2022 were new measures to accelerate privatization, to improve corporate governance in LLCs and JSCs, and to introduce control over the attraction of foreign loans by state-owned enterprises. There were also some changes in the tax and foreign currency…
Read more... |Some notable legal changes in Uzbekistan in February 2022 included the strengthening of responsibility for violating the legislation on intellectual property, measures to develop animal husbandry, the creation of a chemical industrial park in the Tashkent region.As sanctions have been imposed on Russia, one of Uzbekistan’s key economic partners, President…
Read more... |One of the most notable legal developments in Uzbekistan in January 2022 was the adoption of the ambitious Strategy for the Development of New Uzbekistan in 2022-2026, outlining a variety of economic, social, and political plans for developing the country. The government also took important steps to improve the functioning…
Read more... |Some of the most important legal developments in Uzbekistan in December 2021 were the adoption of the Law “On the State Budget for 2022”, the introduction of changes into the Tax Code, and the setting of a program for the development of hydropower. The Cabinet of Ministers also took measures…
Read more... |Some of the most notable legal changes of November 2021 in Uzbekistan include the adoption of new Laws on Privatization of Non-Agricultural Land Plots, the Insurance Activities, and the Publishing Activities; liberalization reforms in the grain sector; increasing the liability for personal data violations; and the reduction of categories of…
Read more... |In October 2021, some of the most notable legal developments in Uzbekistan were changes in the legislation on geological exploration and the use of subsoils, additional measures to support the import of goods not produced in Uzbekistan, measures to support exporters, and the adoption of the Presidential Resolution on digitalizing…
Read more... |Some of the most notable legal developments of September 2021 include the adoption of a Presidential Decree on the improvement of contractual relations, abolishing some restrictive requirements and introducing some new mechanisms related to the conclusion of contracts; amendments to the tax legislation aimed at automating the tax control and…
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